Product Description 'The Book of Revelation is the book for the present hour. There is a special blessing promised to those who read it and to those who hear it and treasure the truth that God has seen fit to give us...'

Revelation Study Guide PdfBible Study Revelation Pdf

My father's name was Donald Grey Barnhouse. Tom pulled out his Bible and settled down to a little study. Beware of Donald Grey Barnhouse! Barnhouse and the Bible. Barnhouse conducted a weekly Bible study. Barnhouse and the Bible with Dr. Revelation is a New Testament Commentaries Paperback by Donald Grey Barnhouse. Bible Audio; Bible. Donald Barnhouse served as pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia and was the founder of Evangelical Ministries, parent organization of The Bible Study. Two features of the ministry of the late Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse made his witness unique: his tremendous. Revelation which becomes as much a part of the believer as his breathing, or his sense of being alive. Putting the Puzzle Together. The proper method of Bible study, then, is analogous to the putting together. Method of revelation,v. Download Game Barbie Rapunzel Full Version on this page. Beatitude of Bible study,v. Greetings from John the writer, and from Jesus Christ in heaven,vv.

With these words Donald Barnhouse begins this helpful devotional commentary on the New Testament book that puzzles so many. The hallmark of this commentary is its applicability to Christian living and not simply its clear explanation of the text. How To Hack Wep With Aircrack-ng. The hallmark of this commentary on Revelation is not simply its clear explanation of the text, but its applicability to Christian living. 436 Pages Published February 1985 About the Author The late Dr.

Donald Grey Barnhouse was for many years pastor of the Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His outreach extended far beyond this congregation, however. He was the founder of the Evangelical Foundation and for many years the radio voice of Bible Study Hour and Editor of Eternity Magazine.

My father's name was Donald Grey Barnhouse, and my name is Donald Grey Barnhouse too. At times that has caused some confusion, specially since we have both been Pastors, Bible teachers, writers, and broadcasters. I'll try to explain our similarities and disentangle our careers somewhere on this site, but I want to introduce it with my favorite story about my father. When he was a teenager, in Watsonville, California, one of his favorite Bible teachers was a young man named Tom, who worked with an organization called “Christian Endeavor.” It was big at that time. Dad liked to go hear Tom speak whenever he could, so he asked Tom to let him know whenever he was going to be speaking in the area. This was in the days before cars and highways; travel was by train. It was also before telephones; communication was by telegraph.

Both were fairly cheap. One day he got a wire from Tom saying that he was going to be coming through Watsonville on his way to speak in another town nearby, inviting my Dad to meet him on the train and ride to the meeting together. Hack For Adena Lineage 2 Top here. Looking forward to hearing Tom preach, Dad met him on the train.

After they had greeted each other and talked a little, Tom pulled out his Bible and settled down to a little study. My Dad pulled out a newspaper he had brought along, and started to read. A few minutes later, glancing over at Tom, he said to his friend, “I sure wish I knew the Bible like you do, Tom!” Tom glanced over at my Dad and said, “Well, you’ll never get to know it reading the newspaper!” In telling the story, my Dad would say that he put down his paper, pulled out his Bible, and “figuratively speaking, I never put it down.” Did his Bible teaching ever touch your life? If so, we would like to hear about it, and share it with others by posting it on this site. Do you have any pictures of him? Any letters you would like to share?

We would love to see them, and we will share anything that is edifying. We will also be sharing excerpts from his writings that were never published in book form, from Revelation Magazine. Just scroll down and you'll see the right place to click! How I became a Bible student is another story, but my commitment is as strong as his was. So this website is dedicated to Bible teaching, his and mine.